Thursday, April 7, 2011

NO electronics day - Spring Break!

Yep, I declared a no electronics day during spring break. I waited until we finally had a nice day, and early in the day, made my declaration for all. I didn't have very many happy campers, but we got a ton of work done.

Some of us worked harder than others.

and after supper, i lifted our Amish ban and we turned everything back on again!! of course because I had to watch Idol!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Never Too Old

If you build it, they will come.......

It has taken a lot of coaxing from some unnamed 10 yr old, but he finally got his 15 yr old brother & 13 yr old sister to join him in the snow. We finally have enough snow, (even though it is February) to make our snow hill.

Today after the big snow fell I sent them all outside, I did a lot of pushing but finally they went. I know, even though they would never admit it, they had a lot of fun!